Earlier in the series, I talked about how important it is to schedule dates with your friends and then stick to that date, making it a priority. That holds true for today, as well.
But today, I’d like you to check in on your friends and family members. Maybe you have an old friend from college you haven’t talked to in a while, but who’s been on your mind. Or maybe it’s been a minute since you talked to your grandmother or favorite cousin. Reach out to them. Tell them you’ve been thinking of them and wanted to check in.
Initiate a conversation and then see that conversation through. Allow them to open up if they’re willing. And share about your life with them. Create a safe space for both of you to freely chat. Spend time focused on building that connection with them and really dedicate your energy to that convo when it’s happening.
Sometimes, life gets busy and we forget to check in with our people. We get caught up in our lives and our own struggles, and by the end of the day, we’re so tired that all we want to do is sit on the couch and watch Netflix (I get it, girl). But the relationships we have in our lives are important and should be treated as such.
With social media these days, we think we’re connected. But a real friend deserves more than that. One of my closest friends used to live in Florida. We met in college in Tennessee where I left after the first semester (that’s a story for another day), but stayed in touch by calling each other regularly. No texting back in those days. My departure from that college kickstarted a whole lotta growing up for me. A rough breakup, my first apartment and navigating life as an adult in my very early 20s. When loneliness and worthlessness started to creep into my emotions, those regular check-ins by phone kept me grounded. Not only was she there for me, but I was there for her. She even decided to move across the country to Indiana! Our friendship is to-this-day unshakable. And I know if I wouldn’t have made it a priority to check in with her regularly, we would both likely be in different places (not just geographically).
So make time for your friends and family. Make them a priority and then make sure they feel seen and loved by you. You never know what someone is going through; reaching out may be the boost of energy or motivation they need to get through the rest of their day or week.
Start with the easy ones if you need to, girl. Check in with your mom or brother, someone you do frequently talk to. Then, branch out and really try to strengthen those relationships that have been on the back burner for a while. It may be just the uplift you need.