I’m pretty sure we all think about money, in some capacity, every day. I’m a business owner, so money is always on my mind: how much I’m bringing in, how much I’m spending, the best ways to invest and finance and everything–all of the details, all of the time.
Plus, I’m a mom. I have a son who needs clothes for school and food to eat. I have a husband who enjoys having clothes on his back and food in his stomach as well. So much of our lives are focused on spending and saving, trying to do both within reasonable confines, but always it seems like too much is going out the door on useless things.
Much in the same way that decluttering that overflowing drawer or countertop can be therapeutic and calming, decluttering your finances can be a huge relief on your daily stressors! That’s what I’m encouraging you to do today: sort through your finances and declutter them a bit.
There are many methods out there for getting this job done. Starting small is always a good idea, like checking through all of your subscriptions. If you canceled that TV subscription, but you’re still being charged, cut that expense out, girl! You can also set up automatic payments for your monthly bills, so you’re no longer charged for pesky late fees!
If you want to go further, there’s SO many apps out there for budgeting, saving, and general upkeep for your finances. And this doesn’t have to be painful! I know monitoring money can seem like a chore (and in many ways, it is), but have some fun with this!
For example, I use Acorns (an app that rounds up all of my debit card purchases to the nearest dollar and puts that money in a special account for investing) not for investing purposes, but to “squirrel” away money. All of those pennies add up over the year and that’s what I use to pay for Christmas gifts! Or you can set up a special savings account that’s purely dedicated to funding your next vacation.
If you think of decluttering your finances as an opportunity to create special memories, then it’s far more likely you’ll stick with it. Your financial freedom is waiting for ya on the other side of your “finance drawer,” girl. Get to it 💪🏼💸