30 Days of Self Care Series

Day #25 • Flowers

You know that scene in Clueless when Cher sends herself flowers that arrive at her desk? 


But, you don’t need to wait on a partner or secret admirer to buy you flowers. 

There are plenty of benefits to having fresh cut flowers around your home or office. Just looking at a bouquet of flowers can make you feel happier and less stressed, and picking them out yourself is an added bonus. Plus, the smell of flowers can be instantly calming, taking you to a zen level that is ideal for a cloudy day, or just anytime you need a little pick-me-up. (And studies show they make you look more attractive — duh! Have you seen one of our tub shoots?!) 

Shopping for stems

I love our local flower shop around the corner from the studio for our tub shoots. They always have exactly what I need to create just the right look with flowers. But for home, you can also get a perfectly fine bouquet at the grocery store. I know at our Kroger store they have really beautiful pre-arranged bouquets you can purchase. Or you can set up a monthly subscription service like my Studio Manager, Jackie. She gets them from a local flower farmer (Coolest job ever? Maybe. Second to boudoir photographer, of course!), but you can also get a subscription from an online service.

DIY bouquets

How about making your own?! If you want to be a little extra creative, pick out some of your favorites and create your own bouquet! What are your must-haves? (I LOVE a peony and ranunculus bouquet. 💗) Make an arrangement based on what’s in season. Or maybe by color! We associate different colors with different moods. And that’s the same for flowers!

The meaning of colors in flowers

Blue Flowers symbolize joy and harmony. Think hydrangeas and globe thistles to create an atmosphere of peace.

Red Flowers are all about love and passion. That means self-love too, girl!

Yellow Flowers are the symbol of friendship and innocence. Add sunflowers and craspedia (billy balls) for a playful bouquet.

White Flowers mean purity. So white roses are a perfect addition to your bathroom for a spa-like vibe.

Pink Flowers represent positivity and kindness (clearly my personal favorite for a reason!)

Orange Flowers symbolize success. Try some tiger lilies or gerber daisies in your office.

Green Flowers are the symbol of balance and hope. Think chrysanthemums or just fill your house with succulents.

Choosing the color of your flowers is a great way to create a vibe in your space.

The color green is linked to mind and body balance, so it makes sense that we love having lots of leafy plants around the house to make it feel comfy! But if flowers aren’t your thing (or allergens get in your way), try out a houseplant! One of my favorite things to do is stop by a greenhouse and pick up a quirky looking succulent or a cactus that never dies (perfect for the gal who doesn’t really have a green thumb, but wants some greenery for her home!). It can also be fun to just walk around a greenhouse, learn the names of plants, and breathe in the steamy fresh air (it’s basically like a sauna, but with plants 😉)

Succulents, daisies, ferns, or even carnations. Whatever makes you feel good and livens up your space is perfect. Let your creativity and expression come out to play, girl.

And do it for yourself.

Cher didn’t wait around, she took care of her damn self!

Go ahead, girl--stop and smell the roses. 🌹

Share your fave flowers with us on our Instagram poll in our stories.