When was the last time you got a massage?
If you have chronic pain or tension in your back or other muscles, you probably treat a massage as a necessity. If you only get massages when you have a gift card for one, you probably treat a massage as a luxury (which is totally fine–you do you, girl).
Either way, a regular massage keeps your body at its best, both physically and emotionally. A good massage can treat everything from back pain to fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Relaxing your muscles is a key way to regulate your body and keep it functioning at optimal levels.
But how often is regular? According to experts, it’s different for different people.
- If you’re pregnant you should try to go every other week.
- Do you sit all day at a desk? Get a massage at least once a month.
- Workout junkie? Go every week to help your muscles recover and avoid injuries.
- If you have chronic pain or major stress, a weekly massage session is a great investment in your overall well-being.
There are so many great practitioners with various specialties.
Prenatal, sports massage, cupping massages, and more. Our SPARK sponsor, Massage by Maple, even does YoMassage. It’s yoga and massage combined! While you’re in restorative yoga poses, she massages specific pain points to help release tension and ease you further into your stretches.

Not interested in getting a massage from someone you don’t know? (I get that, too!). Luckily, there’s a TON of at-home massages you can do either alone or with a partner. This is a perfect way to self-relax and still get the great results from a massage all from the comfort of your home (AND the best perk? It’s completely free!).
If you’re looking for some added benefits, you can buy massage oils just about anywhere, and take turns giving back rubs with your partner at home. It’s a great way to loosen up and connect before bed. I’d even argue this has the potential to be more luxurious than a massage you can buy anywhere 😉