As someone who’s usually in bed by 9 PM and up by 6AM, this one doesn’t seem like much for me. But if you think I’m a crazy person, this one can feel really tough. (I get it, girl!) But let me tell you…that time in the morning to myself is one of the best parts of my day!
Tonight, go to bed an hour earlier than usual. Set an alarm for an hour before you’d usually wake up. Then, actually get out of bed at that time.
Don’t go back to sleep.
Really try to challenge yourself to get up as soon as that alarm starts to ding.

An hour isn’t a long time, but you can do so much in those sixty minutes. I like to use this time to sip my coffee slowwwwwly (rather than running out the door, spilling it down my pant leg, and swearing at myself). Also, enjoying a good, healthy breakfast can give you energy for the whole day so that you’re not dragging and chugging even more coffee by 2 PM. (I love my caffeine as much as the next girl, but even I have to admit that much coffee is probably not all that healthy for me 😬).
Some people like to wake up early and get their exercise in for the day. I’ve tried that, too! I took a kickboxing class once and it was insane how much energy and power I felt after completing it. (Also, if physically going to a class isn’t an option for you, there are some truly incredible at-home workouts on YouTube that are just as great!).
You can do anything that makes you feel like you’re getting a head start on your day with no interruptions: meditation, yoga, exercise, reading, doing your hair or makeup, listening to a podcast.
We rarely have time for ourselves in our normal lives. We have routines, we have obligations, we have priorities, and I know that I tend to push myself lower and lower on my priority list. But, now more than ever, we need to make time for ourselves.
Start with an hour. Then see about adding in more time each day. The point is to do something that’s for YOU and you only. Don’t wake up an hour early to fold other people’s underwear. Do what makes YOU happy.