If you know nothing about the UNVEILED experience, let us shed some light: a full day of pampering, a glamorous photoshoot, some ME time for lunch, and then the phenomenal reveal at the end, where you see the results of all your hard work from the day.
Basically, the UNVEILED experience is one big empowerment trip, from the minute you step in the front door to the minute you leave it, and hopefully for days, weeks, even months after that.
Usually, our clients describe the experience as once-in-a-lifetime. But for one of our clients, this experience has been FOUR times in a lifetime. That’s right, the same woman has just recently come in for her fourth shoot.
Meet Erin. Originally from Terre Haute, Indiana, this stay-at-home mom of three now lives in Muncie, IN, and she visits the UNVEILED studio once a year as a birthday gift to herself.
We sat down with Erin to ask about her unique experiences here at the studio, the feelings and emotions she feels every time she comes, and the biggest question of them all–WHY does she keep coming back for more?

Fourth Time's the Charm
How did you first find out about UNVEILED?
Two of my close friends had their photos taken here and highly encouraged me to come here. That was 3 years ago.
What was your inspiration for booking?
Their encouragement for sure, and then seeing the photos that Sam took. I really wanted to do that for myself, but I didn’t feel comfortable enough…I’ve always struggled with body image.
What were you most nervous about before your shoot?
I feel like I’ve been out of shape for 10 years, so being in front of Sam, even though I know her [Erin and our photographer, Samantha, went to high school together], I was nervous about being vulnerable in front of a camera, so I tried to keep it super conservative.
Have you ever done a boudoir shoot before?
No. Sam still teases me because I wore T-shirts for my first shoot. But I loved the pictures and they mean a lot to me.
After your shoot, how had your feelings changed, from when you first walked in to when you walked out?
When Sam showed me the pictures from my first shoot, all I could do was sob. I sat there and cried, asking, “That’s me?” I felt so much better about myself after that first shoot.
It’s definitely what happened in the reveal that gave me my confidence back.
Were you expecting to like your pictures or no?
I don’t think I was expecting to not like them, but I wasn’t expecting to love them as much as I did.
Sam took this screenshot and sent it to you after your first shoot. What was the tipping point for you to actually decide to come in?
I had scheduled and then postponed and postponed again. I knew it was something I wanted to do, but I kept telling myself, “Oh, I’ll do it when I’ve lost 50 pounds. I’m going to wait till I feel better about myself, when I’m where I feel like I should be, rather than where I am right now.” That’s the biggest thing I’ve taken away from this, is to love myself where I am. Within that year, I had pushed [Sam] off a couple of times and I was finally like “Just do it.” I was the only thing holding me back.
Did you plan a lot beforehand?
Once I had rescheduled for the third time, I was like “I’m doing it now, that’s it.” I knew that I wanted to get pictures done in my STL Cardinals jersey because that’s always been my team and now my husband is a big fan too, so I chose to wear our favorite player’s jersey, Jeremy Hazelbaker, because he’s from the Muncie area and went to Ball State, which is practically in our back yard. The other two outfits I chose for my first shoot were pretty similar; I just wanted to feel comfortable. Now, I literally want Sam to take my pictures daily in everything I own. If I could come everyday, I would.
Do you buy a lot now before your shoots?
I pull most things from my closet, but I still buy myself at least one new outfit to wear. I actually just bought myself something to save for shoot #5.
So why’d you decide to come back for a second shoot, and how quickly after the first shoot was it?
The second shoot was a year later, and I’d decided to come back mainly because I had a friend who was going through a divorce and needed a pick-me-up, and I thought this is what she needed. And I think I was right. And then from that point on, I was like, “I’m just going to do this every year on my birthday.” Now I bring all my friends.
Do you have the same feelings coming in for your shoots now, or do they change every time? Are you still nervous?
No. I don’t take the shoots too seriously anymore because Sam just lets me have fun at this point, which is awesome.
Do you still feel the post shoot “high” like you did after your first one?
Oh yeah. Maybe not to the extent of the first time.
Have you cried at any more shoots other than the first?
No, I never cry anymore. And I mean I ugly cried during that first one, but now I just whoop it up like, “YASSSSS BITCH, that’s me!” I’m still a beautiful, thick bitch. I’m still worthy, I’m still me.
Do you have specifics of what it is about the shoot that makes you feel that way? Is it what happens during the shoot or during the reveal, or the feelings you take away from the shoot? Are there specifics?
Going back to that first shoot, Sam was so personable that my nerves calmed down quickly during my hair and make up, but I did get nervous again when it was time for the shoot. I remember asking for a mirror and Sam telling me there wasn’t one and she did that on purpose. I just had to take a deep breath and go, but I was fine again after the first five minutes. I remember her telling me I had a “nice set” and now I’m just like “You know what, I do.”
What kind of advice or encouragement would you give to someone who’s on the fence about coming in?
Just do it. You’ve just gotta go for it.
Have you ever met anyone who’s regretted coming in here?
No. Sam has payment plans, plus you get a referral code after your first shoot, and I had $500 in referral bonuses I used this last time. (P.S. Here’s my referral code 😜 > 092418HEFLIN)
What’s your favorite part of the shoot?
It’s just self care. It’s a fun, relaxing day away from my everyday life. Like, I don’t do my hair and makeup every day, mainly because I don’t really know how, so I look forward to this every year. Also, my husband has no complaints and loves these photos, so it’s nice to do something for me and for him, too.
How do these shoots affect your day to day life? Has your mindset changed a lot in the past 4 years or is it a combo of a bunch of things?
I definitely think my mindset has changed. I see myself in a different light now. Like I’d really love to be a Torrid model, if only I lived in LA.
Do the shoots have something to do with that?
Oh yeah. Four years ago I never would’ve even given it a thought (about being a Torrid model). I’m a mom of three kids, I don’t always take the best care of myself like I should, but coming in here reminds me that I’m still worthy of this. I still look beautiful everyday, no matter what. I just throw some mascara on and go.
Do you plan to continue coming?
I plan to come every year for my birthday, yeah. I still don’t have the body I want; I’d love to lose 50-80 pounds, but coming in here makes me feel like my mom bod is fine. I still look okay even though I haven’t lost weight.
I think that’s a super common thing that people say when they’re thinking of coming in here-- I wanna lose X amount of weight first, or do something to change themselves before they come in.
Right, but I’m still me, no matter what I weigh.
Exactly. I think that’s the most important thing, to come to that conclusion that your body is always going to be changing, but that’s okay.
Yeah, it’s also like a middle finger sometimes, too, because people have said things to me about my weight and my appearance. These shoots are for me, but they’re also like a big “fuck you” to those people. Beauty is about more than just a number on a scale.

If you feel any of the things that Erin felt–hesitancy, fear, intimidation, unworthiness– then maybe the very thing that scares you is the thing you need most: an empowering shoot of your own.
So many clients start out afraid of committing to the shoot for various reasons, but when they make that decision for themselves–to take care of THEM–everything else seems to fall into place.
So much of what we try to accomplish here at the studio is based on making our clients feel comfortable, confident, and beautiful in their skin, exactly the way they are. No amount of cellulite, tummy rolls, blemishes, scars, stretch marks, or acne can dictate your self-worth. That comes from within, and while we are physically showing you the best version of yourself during the photoshoot, there’s a change happening inside of you as well. You’re realizing what’s always been right there below the surface: your unique beauty.
No one else is like you and that in itself makes you beautiful. It makes you YOU. You don’t need a photoshoot to make you beautiful, but if you need a pick-me-up, a shoulder to cry on, a warm hug, or words of affirmation, we’re your gals. Book a shoot with us and see for yourself why Erin keeps coming back. The answers may surprise you.