The Naked Truth w/ UNVEILED

Your privacy matters!

Here are some things you should know about working with a boudoir photographer.

The most important thing when choosing a photographer is your safety and privacy. There’s definitely some boudoir photographers out there that maybe don’t take all of the measures they should when it comes to this, but that’s not us!

We are an all-women-run business, and YOU are the most important thing to us. From the moment you walk in until the second you leave, you are our number one priority.

πŸ’—Β  We keep the doors locked at all times to ensure maximum privacy.

πŸ’—Β  We have a private wardrobe room with curtains for you to close while changing to make sure you feel comfortable changing as well!

πŸ’—Β  When it comes to sharing your images (or not!), YOU are the one who makes that decision. At the end of your session, if you choose to share your photos, you’ll fill out a model release form. Some people love having their images shared by us, and others don’t want any shared at all. We will go over this with you in detail in person so there is no confusion.

πŸ’—Β  We never share photos unless the client has signed that model release and there’s absolutely NO pressure on our end for you to share any of your images at all! Of course, we would love to show off your images to the world, but only with your permission.

You and your privacy are our number one priority, along with feeling 100% comfortable during the process.

Ready to have a private, empowering shoot where YOU'RE the main focus?

We’ve got you, girl.