UNVEILED Session Prep

Setting the mood for your shoot.

When we help our clients plan their UNVEILED photo shoots, we like to ask this question first: what mood are you going for?

Most clients want to feel sexy, but sexy is like a snowflake. It looks different for everyone. Sexy can be sultry or playful, leather or lace. Sexy can be nude or covered, cleavage or a collarbone. Sexy can even be a white T-shirt and cotton panties. Sexy is what sexy means to you. 

Check out the UNVEILED Pinterest page to get started brainstorming and while you’re there share your board with the studio (UNVEILED on Pinterest, we should pop up)!

So, let’s set the mood. What makes you feel sexy? One of these, none of these, a blend of these?  Keep your wheels turning as you’re planning for your shoot. We’ll have a questionnaire for you to fill out later on, so we can pick your brain.  More soon!

Got a mood in mind?

If you want to talk through it now, we totally can!