UNVEILED Experience

Supporting You From the Inside Out

We've filled our studio with mantras and crystals so you'll feel loved and empowered during your whole shoot.

New Space, Same Us.

We moved into our new studio in downtown Bloomington, IN in May of 2021. We had an amazing team help us with the renovations and build out of the new space, transforming it into a high-end, luxury, beautiful photography studio.

We knew that we wanted this space to be safe, meaningful, and impactful for every woman who walks through the door, so we made that happen from the inside out. We not only provide that for the clients through the services we offer, but we also imbedded that into the very foundation of the studio itself.

We took time to write inspiring, meaningful mantras onto the studs and framework of the studio, as well as including crystals such as Jasper, Tiger’s Eye, and Rose Quartz. When you’re in the studio, you can know that the walls are literally telling you how amazing you are! Check out the video below to see for yourself!

image of several crystals on a wooden ledge with words layered on top


When you're feeling nervous in the makeup chair before your shoot, know that the wall right beside you is filled with Jasper. This crystal is the "supreme nurturer" and is said to empower you by absorbing negative vibes and promoting confidence - preparing you to fully "show up."

Tiger's Eye

While you're wrapped up in the white sheets slaying, Tiger's Eyes stones are vibrating all around you to rid you of fear and self-doubt. The platform underneath is literally holding you up and saying, "You were made for this!"

Rose Quartz

When you need a reminder to love your body, Rose quartz is everywhere - filling the whole studio with good vibes only! Encouraging love, respect, trust, and self-worth, this pink crystal is the ultimate UNVEILED stone!

Ready to feel inspired and empowered?

We’d love to have you in the studio for your own amazing shoot!