UNVEILED Session Prep

Virtual Wardrobe Consultation

Now that we’re getting close to your big day, let’s actually talk about your outfits and ideas! I want to get better connected to YOU – to learn about who you are and what your vision is for this shoot! The opportunity for both of us to get to know each other can definitely make the process less scary and smoother in the long run! A win-win all the way around. The best way to do that is with a virtual wardrobe consultation. You can check out the first one I did below! ⬇️

SO, let’s get yours set up, girl! Here’s what you’ll need:

1. A private space with good internet connection
2. All of your possible wardrobe options (even if there’s 30…let’s talk through them all, girl!! 😉)
3. A Zoom account. You’ll receive an email from me with the info to join the meeting. If you need help setting up your Zoom account (it’s free!), let me know!

To schedule your virtual consultation, click HERE. Choose your date and time. An email confirmation will be sent to you. 

The times are set up to be within our business hours, but after a client shoot. If these times don’t work for you, we can also chat by email. Just send me pics of your possible outfits and we’ll go from there! I want you to feel prepared, excited, and most of all relaxed about your shoot, so that nothing clouds that day for you.

Got last minute questions?

Send ’em our way!